Info! Below visualization is based on
Hans Rosling's 2006 TED Talk. (It opens in a new tab.)
Details: In this assignment we've recreated the GapMinder World visualisation using d3.js. This visualization include following details:
- A Bubble Plot representing the countries of the world.
- Size of bubble represents population of each country.
- Color represents region of the country. There are total 8 regions.
- X Axis represents Income per person in US Dollars (Log Scale).
- Y Axis represents Life expectancy in years.
- Year Label represents current year data.
- Animation for data transition over the years which starts automatically when page is loaded.
- A slider on the right side of the chart which changes based on the year.
- To change year manually, drag button on the slider. If there is no data for a selected year, it will not change anything on the chart.
- Hover on the particular bubble to get information about the Country, it's GDP and Life Expectancy for the selected Year.
- Click on the bubble to get positioning of all countries sharing same region for the selected year. Tip: While animation is on, click on any bubble and don't move mouse to see progress of complete region all together. You'll also able to see progress of other countries in the background in blur.
- Use buttons for "replay", "pause" and "resume" animation. "Replay" will start animation from 1900 again. Tip: You can drag slider to a particular year and resume the animation from that point.
Info! Below visualization shows Top 30 countries for selected year.
We have considered 3 factors for calculation: Population, GDP and Life Expectancy of the country on the selected year.
Formula: We've used Harmonic Mean to calculate the score for each country. Then updated the Harmonic Mean field in "Gapminder_All_Time_mean.csv" file.
3 * Population * GDP * Life Expectancy
Score = ------------------------------------------------------------
(Population + GDP + Life Expectancy)
Why we used HM As value of Population is very high in comparison to GDP and Life Expectancy, usage of Arithmetic Mean (AM) or Geometic Mean (GM) would give unbalanced score (more towards the Population of the country). In our opinion, HM gives most balanced score with all the three parameters.
References for choosing HM over AM and GM: (All links open in new tab.)
- X Axis represents top 30 Countries.
- Y Axis represents Harmonic Mean score.
- Color of bar represents the region mentioned in above GapMinder World Visualization.
- Slider to change the year. By default selection of year is 1900.
- Header Message shows current selected year.
- It will give an Alert Message when there is no data for the selected year, like 1912 and it will not show any bar graph.
- Hover on bars to view score of the particular country for selected year.